Meal Plans & Flex
Meal Plan Eligibility & Pricing
Plan | Meal Swipes in Fountain View Restaurant | Meal Swipes Outside Fountain View Restaurant | Guest Swipes in Fountain View Restaurant | Eligible Students | Pre-Tax Cost (including Flex) | Meal Swipe Portion | Sales Tax on Meal Swipe Portion (6.75%) | Flex Portion | Total Semester Charge with Sales Tax |
All Access 110 | Unlimited | 110 | 5 | Any Student | $1,808.50 | $1,809.00 | $122.07 | $200.00 | $2,130.57 |
All Access 80 | Unlimited | 80 | 5 | Any Student | $2,111.50 | $1,712.00 | $115.53 | $400.00 | $2,227.03 |
All Access 40 | Unlimited | 40 | 5 | Any Student | $2,214.50 | $1,665.00 | $112.35 | $550.00 | $2,326.85 |
Flex Pack 500 | – | – | – | Apartments, Commuters | $500.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $500.00 | $500.00 |
Flex Pack 800 | – | – | – | Apartments, Commuters | $800.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $800.00 | $800.00 |
Flex Pack 1200 | – | – | – | Apartments, Commuters | $1,200.00 | $0.00 | $0.00 | $1,200.00 | $1,200.00 |
- The All Access 110 is now the default residential meal plan. You will be assigned this plan along with your Housing Assignment.
- Apartments include Spring Garden Apartments, Tower Village, Spartan Village (Haywood/Highland/Lee/Lexington/McCormick/Union), and Lofts on Lee.
- Commuters are not required to select a meal plan but are eligible for any.
Plan | Meals | Flex $ | Eligible Students | Price |
400B | N/A | $400.00/session ($800.00 total) | Any student attending both Summer sessions | $800.00 |
400O | N/A | $400.00 | Any student | $400.00 |
200B | N/A | $200.00/session ($400.00 total) | Any student attending both Summer sessions | $400.00 |
200O | N/A | $200.00 | Any student | $200.00 |
100B | N/A | $100.00/session ($200.00 total) | Any student attending both Summer sessions | $200.00 |
100O | N/A | $100.00 | Any student | $100.00 |
Note: Flex Recharges through UNCGenie are not available during Summer sessions.
Meal Plan Eligibility & Pricing
Additional Meal Plan Information
Meal plans are divided into two components at UNCG:
- Meals – Standard meal swipes can always be used to enter Fountain View Restaurant. Spartan Meals will be used by participating locations for additional combo options. For more details on those locations and options, please visit Spartan Dining.
- Flex – Flex is a non-refundable stored value account on your SpartanCard which allows you to eat at UNCG.
Please Note
“Add a Plan” refers to adding Flex / Meals to your card without an existing plan, while “Change a Plan” refers to replacing your current plan (less any Flex/Meals you have used).
Residential Students
- Registration until the end of the first week of classes (Friday): The All Access 110 meal plan (above) is assigned by default to all residential students. The housing assignment determines eligibility for other plans (above). Students are granted a single change to any eligible plan except “Flex Recharges” through UNCGenie (below). Please note that residential changes are opened based on when housing application data is uploaded to UNCG’s main student information system. All students will be notified via email when the change period is open.
- Second week of classes through sign-up end*: No changes are allowed. “Flex Recharges” may be added to your student bill via Genie, or Flex may be added directly using SpartanCard Online.
Commuter Students
- Registration until the end of the first week of classes (Friday): No meal plan is assigned by default. Students are granted a single change to any eligible plan except “Flex Recharges” through UNCGenie (below). All students will be notified via email when the change period is open.
- Second week of classes through sign-up end*: No changes are allowed. “Flex Recharges” may be added to your student bill via Genie, or Flex may be added directly using SpartanCard Online.
*The last day to add Flex Recharges typically ends on the last day to withdraw from a course without incurring a WF grade. This day varies slightly each semester. Contact the SpartanCard Center for further details.
- Fall and Spring Terms: UNCGenie
Instructions: log into UNCGenie, click “Personal Information,” and click “Add/Change Fall/Spring Meal Plan.” - Summer Sessions I & II
Instructions: login using your University username and password.
Students living on campus have several options available for dining on campus. Those students living in traditional halls have an option of three All Access Plans. These vary in the amount of Flex per plan as well as the number of Spartan Meals. Students living in the on campus apartments (Tower Village and Spring Garden Apartments) have the option of any of the All Access plans or any Flex only plan. Students living in Spartan Village can choose any of the plans or choose to opt-out.
All students, regardless of residence hall, will initially be defaulted to the All Access 110 plan each semester.