1100 West Market | 1100 W. Market St. | 27403 |
119 McIver St. | 119 McIver St. | 27403 |
127 McIver St. | 127 McIver St. | 27412 |
1312 W. Gate City Blvd. Warehouse | 1312 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
1510 Walker Ave. | 1510 Walker Ave. | 27412 |
1605 Spring Garden | 1605 Spring Garden | 27403 |
326 Tate St. | 326 Tate St. | 27408 |
328 Tate St. | 328 Tate St. | 27403 |
500 Forest St. | 500 Forest St. | 27403 |
536 Highland Ave. | 536 Highland Ave. | 27403 |
723 Kenilworth St. | 723 Kenilworth St. | 27402 |
812 Lilly Ave. | 812 Lilly Ave. | 27403 |
821 S. Josephine Boyd St. | 821 S. Josephine Boyd St. | 27403 |
840 Neal Street | 840 Neal Street | 27403 |
842A W. Gate City Blvd. | 842A W. Gate City Blvd. | 27401 |
842B W. Gate City Blvd. | 842B W. Gate City Blvd. | 27401 |
842C W. Gate City Blvd. | 842C W. Gate City Blvd. | 27401 |
903 W. Gate City Blvd. | 903 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
996 Spring Garden St. | 996 Spring Garden St. | 27412 |
Alumni House | 404 College Ave. | 27412 |
Armfield-Preyer Undergraduate Admissions Office | 1400 Spring Garden St. | 27403 |
Bailey Residence Hall | 305 West Dr. | 27412 |
Becher-Weaver Building | 915 Northridge St. | 27403 |
Brown Building | 402 Tate St. | 27412 |
Bryan Building | 516 Stirling St. | 27403 |
Campus Supply Store Building | 806 Oakland Ave. | 27412 |
Carmichael Building | 1005 Walker Ave. | 27403 |
Carter Child Care Center | 117 McIver St. | 27403 |
Chemical Safety Facility Building | 724 Stirling St. | 27412 |
Coit Residence Hall | 312 Gray Dr. | 27412 |
Coleman Building | 1408 Walker Ave. | 27412 |
Cone Building | 1005 Spring Garden St. | 27412 |
Cone Residence Hall | 1104 North Dr. | 27412 |
Cotten Residence Hall | 314 Gray Dr. | 27412 |
Curry Building | 1109 Spring Garden St. | 27412 |
Dixon Building | 5900 Summit Ave. | 27214 |
Eberhart Building | 521 McIver St. | 27403 |
Elliott University Center | 507 Stirling St. | 27412 |
Faculty Center | 402 College Ave. | 27403 |
Ferguson Building | 524 Highland Ave. | 27412 |
Forney Building | 401 College Ave. | 27412 |
Foust Building | 1010 Administration Dr. | 27412 |
Gatewood Studio Arts Building | 527 Highland Ave. | 27412 |
Gove Student Health Center | 107 Gray Dr. | 27412 |
Graham Building | 1009 Spring Garden St. | 27412 |
Gray Home Management House | 105 Gray Dr. | 27412 |
Gray Residence Hall | 316 Gray Dr. Ext | 27412 |
Grogan Residence Hall | 1202 North Dr. | 27412 |
Guilford Residence Hall | 300 College Ave. | 27412 |
Haywood Residence Hall | 1001 Union St. | 27403 |
Highland Mixed Use – East Side | 923 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
Highland Mixed Use – West Side | 923 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
Highland Residence Hall | 701 Highland Ave. | 27403 |
Hinshaw Residence Hall | 309 West Dr. | 27412 |
Jackson Library | 320 College Ave. | 27412 |
Jamison Residence Hall | 301 West Dr. | 27412 |
Jefferson Suites | 1501 Spring Garden St. | 27403 |
Joint School of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering | 2907 E. Gate City Blvd. | 27401 |
Kaplan Center for Wellness, Leonard J. | 1301 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
Lee Mixed Use – West Side | 1003 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
Lee Mixed Use – East Side | 1001 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
Lee Residence Hall | 700 Highland Ave. | 27403 |
Lexington Residence Hall | 1101 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
Lexington Retail Space | 1101 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
Lofts on Lee | 915 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
Lofts on Lee Mixed Use | 915A W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
Mary Foust Residence Hall | 301 College Ave. | 27412 |
McCormick Residence Hall | 1201 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
McCormick Retail Space | 1201 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27403 |
McIver House Nursing School Annex | 320 McIver St. | 27412 |
McNutt Building | 611 Forest St. | 27412 |
Mehl Hall | 5900 Summit Ave. | 27214 |
Merricka Administration Building | 5900 Summit Ave. | 27214 |
Moore Building | 318 McIver St. | 27403 |
Moore Humanities and Research Administration Building | 1111 Spring Garden St. | 27412 |
Moore-Strong Residence Hall | 106 Gray Dr. | 27412 |
Moran Commons and Plaza | 1209 North Dr. | 27412 |
Mossman Building | 1202 Spring Garden St. | 27412 |
Music Building | 100 McIver St. | 27412 |
North Drive Child Care Center | 310 McIver St. | 27412 |
North Spencer Residence Hall | 316 College Ave. | 27412 |
Nursing and Instructional Building | 1007 Walker Ave. | 27412 |
Oakland Parking Deck | 620 Forest St. | 27403 |
Petty Building | 317 College Ave. | 27412 |
Phillips-Hawkins Residence Hall | 103 Gray Dr. | 27412 |
Physical Plant Garage | 802 Oakland Ave. | 27412 |
Physical Plant Wash Rack | 802A Oakland Ave. | 27412 |
Ragsdale-Mendenhall Residence Hall | 201 Gray Dr. | 27412 |
Reynolds Residence Hall | 1206 North Dr. | 27412 |
School of Education Building | 1300 Spring Garden St. | 27412 |
Shaw Residence Hall | 1310 Walker Ave. | 27412 |
Sink Maintenance Building | 800 Oakland Ave. | 27412 |
Smith Campus Ministries Building | 500 Stirling St. | 27412 |
South Spencer Residence Hall | 316 College Ave. | 27412 |
Spring Garden Apartments | 1540 Spring Garden St. | 27412 |
Stone Building | 319 College Ave. | 27412 |
Sullivan Science Building | 301 McIver St. | 27412 |
Taylor Theatre | 406 Tate St. | 27403 |
Tower Village | 1541 Spring Garden St. | 27403 |
UNCG Auditorium | 408 Tate St. | 27412 |
UNCG Police Building | 1200 W. Gate City Blvd. | 27402 |
UNCG Steam Plant | 804 Oakland Ave. | 27412 |
UNCG Surplus Warehouse | 2900 Oakland Ave. | 27403 |
Union Residence Hall | 917 Union St. | 27403 |
Walker Avenue Parking Deck | 506 Stirling St. | 27412 |
Weil-Winfeild Residence Hall | 200 West Dr. | 27412 |